A Layne Post

I want to apologize for not posting last weekend. We have been experiencing some difficulties with our internet service provider and we were without for much of the weekend. When we did have it, it was incredibly slow. I chose to wait to post.


I can still see her bow legged waddle.
I can still hear her “o-bi-ga-da”. (Obrigada is ‘thank you’ in Portuguese)
I can still see her grin and hide behind her Mama in shyness as I made funny faces at her.
I can still see her limp 2-year-old little body as her Mama tried to feed her soup.
I can still hear her Mama’s cry as she mourned the loss of her daughter, gone forever from this world.

Last week I had to practice the ministry of just standing there. There were no words. A hug. A back rub. Sitting.

Silénçia will be missed. We won’t forget her.

Pray for her Mama.