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Category: Personal

Afternoon classes

a layne post

This week had a bit of a different feel, as our classes did not begin until 3 in the afternoon, as opposed to our usual 10am. Originally I did not know which I would like better, but looking back the morning classes are definitely better. I would say this for a couple of reasons. First, because our mornings seemed to go by entirely too slow, leaving me munchy and drowsy. And secondly, the buses we usually catch are terribly inconsistent in the afternoons! One day we waited for an entire hour, while some six buses did not come at their scheduled times. When a bus finally did come, it was so packed the doors barely squeezed shut behind us… talk about hot and uncomfortable, and this is afternoon standing irritably for an hour in the scorching sun!

Anyways, on a more positive note, our classes went well and we learned quite a bit. As we quickly approach the end of our time here, we are encouraged about our Portuguese and feel confident in all that we have learned.

We continue to make contacts for Angola, and we feel that we are being diligent with what we have. I am extremely thankful to all those who have made effort on our behalf; it is humbling. I do not feel like we are at a standstill with things, which is encouraging, yet no definite progress is being made. We only trust the Lord and His perfect time.

The evenings here for the next week and a half or so are going to be in the upper 50’s. That is right, the 50’s! One word: glorious! I love needing a little sweater; it makes me feel “Fall-ish”. The only thing missing now is my pumpkin spice latte, a pumpkin cupcake from Sprinkles, a piece of pumpkin cheesecake (yes, 2 desserts!), and my pumpkin colored toe-nail polish. Mhmmmm. What cozy thoughts!

Jon and I will be returning to the states now in a mere 2 weeks. Wow! We will only have 3 weeks in Arizona and about the same in Corpus Christi before we head back to Southern Africa. We hope to be able to connect with as many people as possible during those times, while also allowing ourselves time to pack, prepare, and process prior to our “one-way” trip to Africa.

We love you guys. Thanks for helping us feel encouraged and supported. Many blessings.

Portugal 010.2

Harder Weeks

A Jon Post

Some weeks are harder than others. I guess this was one of those. It’s funny because there are actually so many things that should have made it a GREAT week.

We struggled a bit with Portuguese this week though we sent many emails to native speakers who told us we were speaking well.

We felt discouraged by the lack of progress with our Angolan visa though we actually made many good contacts, heard from some, have good friends here working hard to help us, and, in a practical sense, saw more progress this week than we have in a while.

So we keep pressing on. Some times our emotions don’t line up with reality and we just kinda deal with it.

We have only three weeks until we fly back to the United States. Some times that’s hard to believe.

Good news! Voices of The World ( has officially received tax exempt status from the IRS. That is great news and a culmination of a lot of work from a lot of people.

To do our laundry we go to a local Laundromat a few bus stops away. It’s a bit expensive but then… everything is expensive for us because the US Dollar is so weak compared to the Euro. Also, it’s the only way to get clean clothes so we do what we have to. Usually we listen to a sermon podcast from a pastor in Dallas, Texas. We took a few pictures of our trip this weekend. Click on them below to see the full sizes.

I know we say it a lot but we really do love and need you all. Pray for us please.

Doing more… Still learning

A Jon Post

Well, another eventful week and plenty of new words to go along with it in Portuguese.

We learned quite a bit this week and have plenty to study this weekend. We have only 5 weeks left and we must be sure we use our time here to the fullest extent we can. We practice with each other as often as possible and our tutor this week has been fantastic. As our finish date draws nearer and nearer we continue to feel confident that we will speak and understand well when we are leaving Portugal at the end of next month.

We went to a new town this week. We met a friend from church named Elizabeth who was an incredibly gracious guide for us. She drove us around and showed us things we would NEVER have heard of had she not been willing to host us. She even took us to some Roman ruins that date back to 100 B.C.

Elizabeth was more than helpful and it was an incredible joy to spend the afternoon with her.

We had a bit of an adventure getting back to our house the evening of our trip to Coimbra. There is a metro-train system here and one of the trains goes very near our house. We got on the train about 7 stops before our house and sat back and relaxed, waiting to hear our stop announced over the loud speaker. Before our stop, this train goes through a large station where all of the other metro trains connect as well. It is a large station and normally many people get off at this station. We arrived at the large interchange station and noticed our train start emptying most of the people but assumed this was normal and that everyone was getting off to catch other trains. As we were sitting, waiting for our train to start back up and continue on to our stop, the lights turned off, and the doors closed. A little perplexed we looked at each other but didn’t think too hard about it. The train started off and we sat back, ready to go home. Suddenly, the train turned off the main track down a side track and I thought, “This can’t be good.” I looked back up the train at the same moment Layne did and we both realized we were the ONLY people left on the train. Uh-oh…

We walked up to the front car and got the attention of the conductor who informed us that the main station was our trains last stop and we were supposed to get off there (hmm… it was starting to click). He told us this train was heading to the garrage for the night. Woops! He made a phone call and got permission to let us off at a stop on his way and we got a train back to the main station and MADE SURE the next train we caught was actually going to our house area. A little flustered, but none-the-worse for wear we got home and laughed at ourselves for not putting together the whole “lights-off, train-empty” connection.

Empty Train

Empty Train



Somehow these posts always turn huge. I don’t know why.

We went climbing again this weekend. Layne lead her first climb!!! Lead climbing is when you clip the rope in as you climb up. It’s a bit more dangerous and takes more skill. I was so proud of her! She did wonderfully and I look forward to her leading more and more.

We love you all. Please do keep praying for us as we pursue minsitry and a life of service.

Thank you all so much.

We love you guys!

We love you guys!

Half way

A Layne Post

We are half way through our time in Portugal! Can you believe it? I hardly can. The next six weeks, I believe, will fly by. In some ways it is sad, but on the other hand, to be around family and loved ones is much welcomed… not to mention the Mexican food and Dunkin Donuts that have been appearing in my dreams at night. Sad thing is, that is not even a joke.

Jon and I are feeling quite good about our language acquisition, and we continue to have high hopes for the level will achieve before we leave. Thank you for your prayers. I would continue to ask you to pray for our retention now and when we leave. We have every intention of practicing daily during our month in the states, but some supernatural help would be fabulous.

The past week has been the hottest week since arriving. You may laugh at the temperatures being only being between 89-92°, but may I remind you that we do not have air-conditioning or a fan. Let’s just say that our nights have been a bit on the horrendous side. The cool air only decides to grace us with it’s presence at about three or four in the morning. According to forecasts though, the upcoming week will be cooling off, and I will praise the Lord, I assure you.

Today we took a trip with our school to a town approximately 1 hour via train from Porto. The town is called Aveiro, and we had a lovely time. We had coffee, rented bikes, and practiced our Portuguese with our tutors and fellow students. The bikes were a lovely surprise and much enjoyed. It had been so long since I had ridden a bike, that it took me a bit to get my bearings, while Jon enjoyed the comedic show.

Now, I think I will give you a little glimpse into my “oh so human” heart. I like to think that you and I have a relationship, and because of that, I want you to know me. So here I am…

This week has been emotionally straining for numerous reasons, but one major reason is a longing for a place to call “home”. Without a completed visa, Jon and I are in this homeless state, a place full of the temporary. (Actually, I have felt this way since our marriage.)  It has not all been bad, and in many ways wonderful, but now I am tired. As days pass without progress on a visa I have a hard time seeing the end. I know full well this world is not our permanent home, but girls, you gotta feel me right here… I want to settle. I want a family. I want a home. And for now all I see is temporary in my future.

Because of the excessive tears, I felt an explanation was due to my husband and family as well. I did not want people to confuse my physical state with my spiritual state. This is my description:

I have had times in my life when my very soul was shaken, when it was in complete unrest. That is not the case  now. My soul remains at peace, undisturbed. (Thankfully!) There have been times in my life when I have fretted about things to the point of becoming physically ill. That is not the case now. I am not worried about the provision of the Lord; in fact, He continues to amaze me on a regular basis. Just the other day I was in awe.

I think I am simply uncomfortable. Words do not seem to fit this feeling well, but uncomfortable may be the close. I trust the Lord. I can rest in His peace. I am positive He is near. I am not doubting, or really even questioning. I am just sitting. Uncomfortably.

We are learning and growing, being prepared for a work that is greater than us. Our hearts remain soft and our ears open. Thank you for your trust and support.

Be looking for a full length newsletter soon!

We love you. Click on the pictures below to see the full sizes!

The Words of a Crucified Jew

A Jon Post

I wrote this some time ago and recently found it again. I some times need to remember that there’s so much more that Jesus has asked of me. And I love Him so much… I love Him so much. I don’t have to get caught up in the sin in my life or anything else because I love Him. It’s out of that love that I flow into serving Him. Anyway… read on if you’d like. More than read… do. More than do… love Him.

Why is it so easy to forget?

Why is it so easy to be outraged at 5:03 as we watch the story of an evil leader murder millions and then be entertained at 5:15 as we watch millionaires throw balls to each other?

Why is it so easy to write a blog like this and feel like we’ve done something to help the suffering of a devastated nation?

Would you let inspiration move you to go and sell all that you have and give the proceeds to the poor and follow an unattractive, soft-spoken Jew who makes claims of deity?

Why is it so easy to forget that Jew’s words?

“I was hungry… and you gave me nothing to eat… you just watched me on the six o’clock news and said ‘wow that’s terrible’ and then changed the channel”
“I was sick … and you didn’t visit me… you hoped that someone would find a cure for the disease my depraved parents passed on to me”
“I was a stranger… and you turned me away… then you called the police and warned them that I wasn’t supposed to have crossed a fence separating the land people decided on two hundred years ago”
“I was naked… and you didn’t clothe me… you wished someone would take care of the prostitute problem in my country and blamed me for the fact that my parents sold me to a man when I was 6 years old to be used as a toy for the rest of my life”

Was that Jew a Republican? How could a Republican tell a rich man to sell everything he had, all his hard earned money, everything he had worked for in his life, all the comforts he deserved because of his hard work, and give it to the leeches of society, to the lazy bums who won’t motivate themselves to go get a job, and enable them to continue in their laziness?
Was that Jew a Democrat? How could a Democrat demand that the poor give offerings that are just as meaningful to them as a rich man’s offering?

I guess I’m just a little disgusted at my need to have the comforts I never earned.
I guess I’m just a little tired of how much I want to eat and how much I want things done my way and done fast.
I guess I’m just a little tired of how proud I have always been that I care about people.
I guess I’m just a little tired of being so indifferent.

Would you be willing to trade all the inspiration in your heart for a day of unthanked, unnoticed, disregarded work under a blistering sun?

Would you stand alone while you’re misunderstood and forget about defending yourself and protecting your rights?

Would you lay down your rights and your precious little wrongs and follow a revolutionary carpenter from a tiny town known for its laziness?

Why do we feel so good agreeing with these stupid words?

Is there power in them? Is there power to spark a great people to a great work?

Can one decision to follow a formerly crucified Jew redeem us from a life of indifference?

He said it could…