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Doing more… Still learning

A Jon Post

Well, another eventful week and plenty of new words to go along with it in Portuguese.

We learned quite a bit this week and have plenty to study this weekend. We have only 5 weeks left and we must be sure we use our time here to the fullest extent we can. We practice with each other as often as possible and our tutor this week has been fantastic. As our finish date draws nearer and nearer we continue to feel confident that we will speak and understand well when we are leaving Portugal at the end of next month.

We went to a new town this week. We met a friend from church named Elizabeth who was an incredibly gracious guide for us. She drove us around and showed us things we would NEVER have heard of had she not been willing to host us. She even took us to some Roman ruins that date back to 100 B.C.

Elizabeth was more than helpful and it was an incredible joy to spend the afternoon with her.

We had a bit of an adventure getting back to our house the evening of our trip to Coimbra. There is a metro-train system here and one of the trains goes very near our house. We got on the train about 7 stops before our house and sat back and relaxed, waiting to hear our stop announced over the loud speaker. Before our stop, this train goes through a large station where all of the other metro trains connect as well. It is a large station and normally many people get off at this station. We arrived at the large interchange station and noticed our train start emptying most of the people but assumed this was normal and that everyone was getting off to catch other trains. As we were sitting, waiting for our train to start back up and continue on to our stop, the lights turned off, and the doors closed. A little perplexed we looked at each other but didn’t think too hard about it. The train started off and we sat back, ready to go home. Suddenly, the train turned off the main track down a side track and I thought, “This can’t be good.” I looked back up the train at the same moment Layne did and we both realized we were the ONLY people left on the train. Uh-oh…

We walked up to the front car and got the attention of the conductor who informed us that the main station was our trains last stop and we were supposed to get off there (hmm… it was starting to click). He told us this train was heading to the garrage for the night. Woops! He made a phone call and got permission to let us off at a stop on his way and we got a train back to the main station and MADE SURE the next train we caught was actually going to our house area. A little flustered, but none-the-worse for wear we got home and laughed at ourselves for not putting together the whole “lights-off, train-empty” connection.

Empty Train

Empty Train



Somehow these posts always turn huge. I don’t know why.

We went climbing again this weekend. Layne lead her first climb!!! Lead climbing is when you clip the rope in as you climb up. It’s a bit more dangerous and takes more skill. I was so proud of her! She did wonderfully and I look forward to her leading more and more.

We love you all. Please do keep praying for us as we pursue minsitry and a life of service.

Thank you all so much.

We love you guys!

We love you guys!

Half way

A Layne Post

We are half way through our time in Portugal! Can you believe it? I hardly can. The next six weeks, I believe, will fly by. In some ways it is sad, but on the other hand, to be around family and loved ones is much welcomed… not to mention the Mexican food and Dunkin Donuts that have been appearing in my dreams at night. Sad thing is, that is not even a joke.

Jon and I are feeling quite good about our language acquisition, and we continue to have high hopes for the level will achieve before we leave. Thank you for your prayers. I would continue to ask you to pray for our retention now and when we leave. We have every intention of practicing daily during our month in the states, but some supernatural help would be fabulous.

The past week has been the hottest week since arriving. You may laugh at the temperatures being only being between 89-92°, but may I remind you that we do not have air-conditioning or a fan. Let’s just say that our nights have been a bit on the horrendous side. The cool air only decides to grace us with it’s presence at about three or four in the morning. According to forecasts though, the upcoming week will be cooling off, and I will praise the Lord, I assure you.

Today we took a trip with our school to a town approximately 1 hour via train from Porto. The town is called Aveiro, and we had a lovely time. We had coffee, rented bikes, and practiced our Portuguese with our tutors and fellow students. The bikes were a lovely surprise and much enjoyed. It had been so long since I had ridden a bike, that it took me a bit to get my bearings, while Jon enjoyed the comedic show.

Now, I think I will give you a little glimpse into my “oh so human” heart. I like to think that you and I have a relationship, and because of that, I want you to know me. So here I am…

This week has been emotionally straining for numerous reasons, but one major reason is a longing for a place to call “home”. Without a completed visa, Jon and I are in this homeless state, a place full of the temporary. (Actually, I have felt this way since our marriage.)  It has not all been bad, and in many ways wonderful, but now I am tired. As days pass without progress on a visa I have a hard time seeing the end. I know full well this world is not our permanent home, but girls, you gotta feel me right here… I want to settle. I want a family. I want a home. And for now all I see is temporary in my future.

Because of the excessive tears, I felt an explanation was due to my husband and family as well. I did not want people to confuse my physical state with my spiritual state. This is my description:

I have had times in my life when my very soul was shaken, when it was in complete unrest. That is not the case  now. My soul remains at peace, undisturbed. (Thankfully!) There have been times in my life when I have fretted about things to the point of becoming physically ill. That is not the case now. I am not worried about the provision of the Lord; in fact, He continues to amaze me on a regular basis. Just the other day I was in awe.

I think I am simply uncomfortable. Words do not seem to fit this feeling well, but uncomfortable may be the close. I trust the Lord. I can rest in His peace. I am positive He is near. I am not doubting, or really even questioning. I am just sitting. Uncomfortably.

We are learning and growing, being prepared for a work that is greater than us. Our hearts remain soft and our ears open. Thank you for your trust and support.

Be looking for a full length newsletter soon!

We love you. Click on the pictures below to see the full sizes!

New words, New friends

A Jon Post

Well, we’re still here and we’re still learning Portuguese.

Last weekend, Layne and I were a little discouraged. We felt like we weren’t moving very fast with the language, we felt like nothing was happening with our visa to Angola, we felt like our time here was just not being used to its fullest.

Language: We both did well when we were in college and, when we don’t feel like we’re excelling in a class we’re taking, we get frustrated. Last weekend we just felt like we weren’t doing very well. We took it as a wake-up call and buckled down and resolved to study more, speak to each other more in Portuguese, and not take for granted that we were one third of our way through language school. This last week we were rewarded with noticing that we are beginning to understand more and more and feel more and more comfortable speaking.

Church: We visited a new church. It is about a 30 minute train ride away but is without a doubt our favorite church we’ve found here. Riverside Porto ( is an English speaking church specifically ministering to people here for a short time. We met some new friends there who are anxious to help us get into Angola and start ministry there. They are missionaries themselves, working here in Portugal, and we spent Wednesday afternoon with them talking about ministry and how they want to help us get into and stay in Angola. It was so refreshing and encouraging to meet these new friends and feel so supported in our heart to serve the people of Angola. They know and introduced us to some missionaries to Mozambique who are on furlough here in Portugal. Mozambique is another Portuguese speaking country and it was a great time of fellowship and talking about Southern Africa and the needs there.

Our friends from church invited us to a Medieval Festival near Porto and after that we were able to go with them to see a basketball game between the Portugal national team and the national team of Bosnia. For those of you who have been to the Renaissance Fair in Arizona it was like that but with a castle up on a hill built in the 900s. Definitely cooler.

Please keep praying for us. We need it so much. We cannot do any of this alone. We need prayer that we continue to learn Portuguese. Please, please pray that we learn well. Please pray that we get a visa to Angola.

We love you all. Thanks for reading this massive post. Click on the pictures below to see the full sizes.

It has been a month!

A Layne Post

Jon and I have been here in Porto for a whole month! In some ways it completely feels like it, and then when I think that we are now 1/3 through,  I can’t believe it.  It is hard to gauge our progress with language. We feel okay about it. We hope to study and practice more with each other this month. It is hard to get motivated to study in the evenings. My mind is tired of translating all day! Our tutor this week said we aren’t ahead or behind… we would rather be ahead. =)

The church we tried last week did not work out so well. We were the only ones there… Due to some awkwardness, we ended up leaving. Instead we went home and listened to a sermon we downloaded.  It was quite refreshing to be challenged spiritually. We decided that we should go on-line and do some searching. Jon has found an English speaking church that we will try tomorrow. We really liked the looks of their website and the sound of their hearts. It is about a 30 minute train ride, but will be worth it if we can find a church family. We will update this week!

No news on visas yet. As soon as we know, you’ll know!

Churches here are in the evenings,  so it leaves us most of the day on Sunday to relax. All of the museums here in Porto are free on Sunday mornings, and we decided to take advantage! We went to a museum of contemporary art and quite honestly, Jon and I do not have an “appreciation” for that kind of art. We did, however, get some good laughs in. Also, the grounds of the museum has some amazing gardens. Click on the pictures below to see full sizes.

This past Thursday we went surfing with a guy from our school. I cannot say we caught a lot of waves, but we had a good time. To our credit, it did not seem like anyone in the water was catching much. The water was very cold. We rented wetsuits, but my feet still went numb, which can be a tad problematic when you are trying to stand on surfboard that is moving.

We ate some McDonald’s this week. Wow, I believe it was the best beef that I have had since being here. Sad? Perhaps. I savored every bite, and the ketchup… oh, the ketchup! Ha! It is the little things when you are overseas. =)

We love you guys. Thanks for your prayers and support. Any questions, feel free to comment and ask!


One Quarter of the Way

A Jon Post

Three weeks and counting and we’re one quarter of the way through our stay in Portugal. It seems like it’s going fast and we are encouraged by what we are able to communicate in Portuguese. Right now the biggest obstacle is our comprehension. People here speak FAST! Many times we are caught staring blankly at a person who has just asked us a question as we try to put together the few words we DID understand into what that person might have meant.

We are planning to visit a new church on Sunday. “Pentecostal Igreja Novo Jerusalem” or “New Jerusalem Pentecostal Church”. Meh… we’ll see how it goes and see if God says to stay there.

Last weekend we decided that we could stand for a little adventure while here. I had read about a place to go rock climbing near Porto and so we figured we’d try to make it there last Saturday with a friend we have met at school. We got up, grabbed a meal at the only Subway in Portugal, rendezvoused with our friend at the train station and headed out. A train to a village 30 minutes away and half-understood directions from a girl at the station saying “about 10 kilometers that way” and we were off, lugging a 40 pound backpack full of climbing equipment and hoping to hitch a ride from a nice driver “that way”. 1 hour later and with tired thumbs and legs we arrived at our destination. It was a beautiful little area right next to an old chapel and a gurgling stream. We climbed for about 3 hours and, exhausted and hoping for better luck with our thumbs, headed back towards the train station. About half-way back a flatbed truck driver saw our weary thumbs and pulled over and gave us a lift back to the train station. It was a great day. Click on the pictures below for full sizes.

We have received some encouraging communication about our visas from some friends in Angola and we are hoping to hear more from them and soon.

We could not be here without your prayers. We are so proud to represent Christ and to represent all of our supporters here in Portugal and into the world.

Please continue to pray for us and for our time here and for our time in Angola.

We love you all.

Jon and Layne