
Dinner Time

Papa Zakarias, the one at the head of the table, decided to put in a little garden area on the side of our house. He has a farm back home, so he is quite a natural at getting things to grow. He was able to buy some small starter plants and planted Couve a Mozambican green leafy plant much like spinach. They eat Couve multiple times a week, usually cut in thin strips or pieces and boiled with salt and onions, sometimes with potatoes and carrots. It is yummy!

Well, thanks to Papa Zakarias and his hard work, we were able to enjoy the first fruits celebrated with a family dinner! How awesome is that? It was joyous!

Also, this week you can keep Jon and our family in mind. Jon is gone for 3 nights to Durban, South Africa to take part in a training at a Hospice center there. He will return Wednesday evening. The original plan was for the two of us to go together and Karasi could stay with me, but her travel documents could not be ready in time. That means I am home with the 3 girls for 4 days! We will be fine, but I do suspect I will be extra tired. Pray for Jon to learn lots and make some good contacts and pray for patience and grace for this Mama.

We love you guys!