A Layne Post

When my sister arrived, she came bearing gifts for all. One of Anaya’s presents was a doll from the new Disney movie Brave. We haven’t seen it yet, but Anaya had noticed my niece’s on Skype and seemed to like it, so being Aunt Boog, she snatched one up and threw it in the suitcase. I saved the doll as a distraction item on safari, so Anaya would have something new to keep her busy. It worked for a few minutes as she inspected her, messed with her crown, and took her shoes off. She named her Brave girl.

Once we arrived home, Brave girl was given a home. She lives under the couch. Do not ask me why, for I have no idea. You can ask Anaya where Brave girl is and she will go get her, look at her a bit, and put her right back where she belongs – under the couch. It seems a little ironic to me, the girl called Brave girl hiding under the couch.

Brave Girl

But sometimes maybe we’re not so different. We, who are meant to be brave, yet living under the couch. There are times God calls us to do brave things. Sometimes God calls us right out of everything that seems comfortable, right out from our dusty dwelling under the couch, and right into our role He’s destined for us. And just when you think you’ve become brave having done so many previous heroic feats, you find yourself comfy, staring at the padding of the cushions above all over again, muscles gone weak.

We’ve been in Mozambique 3 years now, all the while volunteering in Oncology with an idea and hope for Casa Ahavá. We had no children. Then Anaya was born. Then Jovie was born. And now precious number 3 is on the way. We will have a 2 year old, and 13 month old, and a newborn. And I find myself thinking, “Now, Lord? Really? Now?” But His movements are unmistakeable.

So here I find myself once again looking at the Lord’s plan for me, and I am needing to dust off, crawl out, and command the brave girl to come out.