A Layne Post

As September comes to a quick close, and Jon and I approach the ‘1 Month ’till furlough’ mark, we find ourselves amidst task lists, sweaty palms, and painted walls. We are working hard to get the rooms out back and the small kitchen area ready as we, Lord willing, will begin taking in friends/patients in February. I should say Jon is working hard, because he has done most of the work, and he has done so well; I cannot wait to show you the pictures. When the hard work is done, then I’ll come add my girlie touch for a comforting feel. I think I got the better end of the deal!

Mid-October Jon hopes to sit down with some leadership at the hospital and present our project for approval. We did this before, and it was welcomed wholeheartedly; however, leadership has changed, and we find ourselves praying for the same favor. Every now and again I have a freak-out moment thinking, “What if our project is shot down? Rejected immediately? What are we doing? What would we do?” Then I remember the crazy journey that has brought us here, and the faithfulness of the One who birthed this passion in us. I remember our current ministry, without the rooms, and stand in awe at His work. So who knows what will happen next? He does!

Pray with us!

We look forward to seeing many of you soon and connecting face-to-face. We’ll hug you hard and thank you properly.