A Jon Post

So on Saturday we made the push and moved across town to our new house. It’s a welcome change. We’re working hard to make it into a home and to finish the job the team from Arizona began when they were here in June of creating a safe, comfortable and place to receive love for patients from the hospital who have nowhere else to go. There is plenty to be done but it’s all doable.

Days seem to fly by and we try to take the time to catch our breath as we look to the coming weeks and months. In just 3 short months we will be heading to the USA to spent the holidays in Arizona and Texas. We hope to visit with many of you and finally be able to say thanks in person rather than simply through emails or blogs.

The work at the hospital continues. Lonely people are not in short supply and, through Christ alone, we go to ease that burden as often as possible. Many times there is little to be said, other times we talk for hours. It energizes and exhausts us and we are forced to rely on more than our own strength and we like it that way.

A new house brings plenty of new work but our God is enough. He really is.

We’re in.