A Jon Post

We’re back in Maputo. It is so good to be here. We were married in June of 2008 and since then we’ve been in someone else’s house or in a hotel or in a tent. Tomorrow… for the first time… we have a home. We can finally unpack our bags. We have an address and a residence that’s not on wheels (we’ve mostly been living out of our Land Cruiser for nearly 6 months now).

We have a home.

We went back to the hospital on Friday. It felt good. The peeling paint, the smells, the cold concrete floors, all of it so familiar and so packed with emotions. Memories of intimate moments flooded back to us as we hugged familiar faces and kissed new ones on the cheek in greeting.

We have a home.

We bought a couch, a table, a refrigerator, a bed…

We have a home.

Maputo isn’t what we had in mind when we first set out on this journey. We went to Angola back in 2008 to see a country we hoped to live in. We saw that we needed to learn Portuguese so we went to Portugal in 2009 to learn it. We met missionaries Areménio and Elizabeth Anjos there who introduced us to Jorge and Alice Pratas, missionaries to Mozambique. We came to Maputo at the end of 2009 to keep up with our Portuguese as we awaited God’s timing for a move to Angola. And here… in Maputo… God whispered “here is your home.”

We have a home.

Our journey has been long both in time and in distance. In the last 5 months we’ve driven more than 6000 miles and lived in 5 different countries.

We have a home.

Rejoice with us dear friends and family. We are planted and we are pursuing long-term ministry with kindred spirits whose heart for loving and serving people is nearly identical to our own.

We are here.

Done Traveling For Now

Done Traveling For Now