a layne post

When I was a little girl, I was in gymnastics. I remember doing the event called the vault. You run as fast as you can, bounce off a springboard, and do some sort of “trick” over the vault. Well sometimes it did not go as planned. I distinctly remember a few times running as hard as I could, not bouncing off the springboard; instead running right over it and directly into the vault, knocking the breath clear out of me. My family could attest to these moments of agony.

This is a little like how I feel this week. All the anticipation, the gearing up, the good-byes… I was (and don’t get me wrong, still am) ready to give it all; to make a difference, now only to wind up stuck without a vehicle, waiting in a lodge we did not plan to pay for, unable to get in touch with the people who have our car.

You know, with all my missions experience, I know it is not glamorous. I know that is not all “people getting saved and sharing the gospel”. I know there is a lot of behind the scenes work and complications. I don’t know… maybe I just didn’t expect it to be hard the first day.

Our current home (for the week)

Our current home (for the week)

Here is the update:

Upon arrival, our friends who were caring for the car had had a sudden death in the family and had to leave town. We would not have our car for a day or two, until they got back in town. When they got back in town, a little later than originally expected, there had been a break in. Someone had gotten under the hood of our vehicle, taken our radiator, cylinder head, and other things. Because it was reported quickly, the thieves were caught. They were taken to the police and beaten until a confession was made. (how it works here) The parts were recovered, but now the vehicle is having to be put back together. So we wait.

Plan once we get the vehicle:

We will travel to visit some friends about an hour from here. Fellowship and be encouraged. This next weekend we plan to make the drive to Mozambique and start living there until further notice of Angolan visas, of which there is nothing to report.

We appreciate your prayers. Your comments on the last post were fabulous. We love them! Thanks so much for sharing with us, for being a part of this with us. We love you.

Short fun story:

In a taxi on our way back to the lodge the other day, we were sharing with the driver where were we from and what we are doing. (I always love to share with them that Jon and I met in their country!) The man was enjoying the story and proceeded to ask if we could drive to our country. Jon explained it is very far and there is a big ocean between. “Ahh,” the man said, “so a bus would get stuck.” Jon replied, “It would sink!”

I love Africa. I love the boisterous laughs of the women. I love the friendly smiles and the constant greetings. I am happy to be here.

A bit of "holiday" for myself

A bit of "holiday" for myself