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Category: Personal

From Botswana

A Jon Post

Well we said all our goodbyes and left all of our friends and family in the USA and we got on an airplane Friday afternoon.
It was very hard. There were many tears.
We kept going.

It’s never easy to say goodbye. Especially to the people who deserve all the credit for what we are doing. But we did and we traveled and last night we arrived in Botswana where we will spend the next 1-2 weeks. We’ll get our truck tomorrow. I really miss that truck.

Angola visas? Naaaahh… We don’t have them. Is that a problem? Well I guess that depends on who you ask. If you ask me I’d say “Yes, a big one”, but if you ask God, He’d say “Nope. I’ve got it under control.”
I’m still asking Him to get us those visas soon. I’d like to ask all of the people who read this to do that too. Please ask God to get us those visas soon. If you have a second right now… please pray.

We miss and love you all. We are here. We are safe. We are loved.

First move

Our bags have been weighed, I would say approximately ten times a piece, and are finally narrowed down. Jon will have two 50 pound bags, and I will have two 50 pound bags… plus one 70 pound bag. While the three are technically mine, you should know that the 70 pounder is carrying many reading material and resource material for the both of us! ;) (Ah, I feel better now that you are not judging me so harshly. Hehe.)

Our time in Arizona has been sweet. I am pleased with the amount of people we were able to connect with, though some unfortunate timing led to us missing a few of you! My apologies. We love and appreciate you greatly. It is important to us for you to feel connected to us and our ministry (“our” includes YOURS!). Please feel free to comment or email us whenever.

We leave early tomorrow morning and arrive in Corpus Christi, Texas early afternoon. There we look forward to more sweet times and dread more sorrowful good-byes. We will be staying there until November 6th, and then heading to South Africa. Great news… We are so blessed to have Jon’s parents coming to Corpus to see us off there!

We are overwhelmed by love.

Today at Trinity Christian Fellowship as we were prayed over and sent out, my heart was filled. Your support is treasured.

As we spent the day with family, love, love, love.

How precious these days are! How many times will I look back to them, and find strength amidst my loneliness! Thanks.

Quick update on visas:

We are still hopeful about taking a short trip to Angola in December to meet potential partners for the future and allow them to meet us. We are still in need of a letter of invitation; however, communication is flowing and it is still possible! Continued prayers are welcome.

We love you.

Jon and Layne

A Week of Lasts

A Jon Post

Well… we’re leaving Arizona on Monday. Here come the last times I’ll do some things… at least for the next 2-3 years. That gets hard some times.

Last time I see my brother Joseph. What a man he is. He got married on Sunday to a fantastic girl that he will love wildly for the rest of his life. What a man he is. I hugged him and cried as I let him go. He’s on his honeymoon now and I won’t see him before we go.

Last time I get together with all my brothers. This group of LionMen. This band of warriors. These poets of love, deed and their Christ. I love these men.

Last time I sit with my sister and dream of futures and of life. What an angel. Always taking the next step in love. Always encouraging, always such a model of the hand and love of Christ. What a missionary. What incredible love.

Last time I hug my mother. My mother… who loved… loves me for 27 years and beyond. Never wavering. I’ve never seen disappointment in her eyes. Always pride in her son. Always love. What a woman.

Last time I sit and listen to the wisdom of my father. Maybe… someday… I’ll be like that man. I can dream… I can dream.

Last time I see dear friends.  Last time I can sit and glean from all these wise men and women around me. All these shoulders that we stand on as Layne and I go boldly into the unknown. We don’t have to fear it. We go with you.

A week of lasts. What precious memories.

Traveling home…

A Layne Post

Jon and I have left Portugal now, and we have begun our long journey home. Thankfully, we will spend one night in London before the long flight over the ocean. We hope to rest well.

We have a huge praise report already, and our travels have just begun. Because our flight to London was booked separate from our flight to the States, the airline on our way out of Portugal said our weight limit was cut in half. According to the new limit we would owe approximately $1000 in order to get our bags back with us. Jon explained and explained, as this had not been a problem on the way here. Apparently, it should have been, but thankfully we were shown mercy. As long as she could check our bags all the way through, she would not charge us the extra. It worked! We were and are so very thankful. Now we will continue to pray our bags make it on the airplane tomorrow.

Our last few days in Portugal were wonderful. We spent much of our time with friends we’ve made along the way. Because of the internet, “Goodbyes” are not quite as horrible. Staying in touch has become more and more possible.

We have what is possibly very exciting news.
There is an organization in Europe and Africa (Angola included!) that we have been put in contact with by wonderful friends we made in Portugal, Elizabeth and Armenio. The branch in Portugal had a meeting this week and looked over our business plan, which has now been sent to the main European office. They will be making a decision about whether or not we can possibly partner together soon. It seems that their goals and ours could mesh quite nicely.

Please join with us in prayer as this process continues. We want the blessing of the Lord in every step we take. If this is our open door, we praise Him. If not, we praise Him still.

We hope to see many of you very soon in Arizona and then in Corpus Christi. I am constantly amazed by your love and support for us. Thank you.


Ladies, there is a neat opportunity to support Jon and I and get a really nice lip-gloss. Pretty cool, huh? My best friend, who lives in Ohio, sells a product by the name of Arbonne, which many of you probably already know. (Great quality!) She has teamed up with a few of my family members and they are doing a fundraiser called “Lip Gloss for a Cause”. There are 6 colors of gloss ( each selling for $11. Jon and I will receive 52% of the profit.  If they are able to sell 500 glosses, Jon and I will receive approximately $2850! This is a great time to think about Christmas and upcoming birthdays. If you are interested, let me know and I can put you in touch with one of the sellers. =)

Here’s some pictures of our last week in Portugal. Click on them to see the full sizes.

Almost Gone…

A Jon Post

Well we’ve got only one week left and we’re outa here. Hard to imagine some times.

Still working on our visa for Angola, PLEASE keep praying for that.

Still learning Portuguese. We are happy with how far we’ve come.

We’ve been putting up huge walls of text recently so I’ll finish here. Here’s a bunch of pictures of a trip we took today. We went to a vineyard and picked the grapes, gathered the grapes, stomped the grapes, broke the thing that presses the grapes (oops, Jon’s fault) and had a great time.

Love you all! Where’s all the comments to let us know you read this thing? Click on the little bubble at the top right of this post and add a comment! Come on people!

Click on the pictures to see the full sizes! Oh, sorry about the strange captions. It’s been a long day and I couldn’t get this out of my head.