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Author: Jon


A Jon Post

As I was trying to decide what to write this week I started reading back over the last year and a half worth of blogs we’ve put up here. I read some of the hard times in our lives, times of death, of sickness, of pain, mixed with joyous moments in our lives, times of birth, of life, of smiles. In all of those times, in all of these “blogs”, in all of our crying out in triumph, defeat, life and death… you are there with us.

When we wrote of our tears, you cried with us. You encouraged us. You stirred us on to love and good deeds. You breathed words of life and comfort when we needed them.

When we wrote of our fun, you laughed with us. You told us of the great things the Lord has done for us.

In all of these times, of laughter, mourning, dancing, weeping, life, death, health, sickness, smiles, tears… you were… you are there with us.

Your encouragement means so much to us. Simple comments on simple blogs, mean something to us.

You are as much a part of this as we are. You are.

We love you guys.


Builder of Homes

A Jon Post



Jonathan was an incredible man. I met him in September last year when he arrived in the Oncology department at the hospital. He had left his home in Manica, Mozambique, a small town on the border of Mozambique and Zimbabwe 4 months earlier, with a small tumor over his right shoulder. He first went to a hospital nearer to his home thinking he would be there for the weekend and would return home soon. They kept him there for four months analyzing and waiting for test results for his tumor. By the time he arrived in Maputo, the tumor was the size of a grapefruit and growing. In the hospital here he waited 3 months for decisions from doctors and for them to make the time to biopsy his tumor. By December of last year he had received no treatment for his cancer and his tumor was nearly the size of a bowling ball. When he finally started receiving chemotherapy in early January he had 6 other tumors protruding from his arms, legs and one on his forehead. Despite the odds, his body responded remarkably well to his chemo. His tumors receded, and, after three months of treatment, his shoulder almost looked normal again.
Before he got sick he lived most of his life in Zimbabwe and was raising two young boys to be fine men. His wife loved him and counted herself lucky to be married to a man so committed to his family. He went to a technical school after finishing high school and learned to design and build houses. He traveled through much of northern Mozambique building houses for those who had none.
Later he pursued his education even further and became a professional certified dog security trainer. When I told him of my dog Gasher he asked me to bring him to the hospital, and offered endless free advice on how to teach him to be a good guard dog for my home and family.
His smile was infectious.
He loved my daughter deeply and was eager to have a picture taken with her in his arms. He wanted to take that picture home with him so he could remember his little niece and see her every day.
He deeply desired to know God more and would press me to bring my Bible and read it to him so he could hear the Word of God. I had many Portuguese Bibles but because he spent most of his life in Zimbabwe where English is spoken he could not read Portuguese. I rooted through my old books and found a Bible I had received many years ago and had inscribed my name in when I was only 13; Jonathan. He held that Bible in his hands like it was worth more than the treatment that seemed to be saving his life.
We read together often and prayed passionate prayers to our God together, beseeching Him for mercy, His hand in our lives and in the lives of our wives and our children.
Last Tuesday night he got sick.
It may have been Malaria, or a simple flu infection.
His body, wracked by multiple chemo treatments and many tumors, could not fight for long.
Thursday night he died.
I still cry as I think and write that.
He never did get to take that picture with Anaya.


In the tears that Layne and I have shed so freely over the past few days as we remember our dear friend we have been echoing a refrain from John 6:68. “Lord, to whom shall we go? You alone have the words of eternal life.” Even in the face of death and pain and suffering,… ”Lord, to whom shall we go?” In our tears, in our breathless prayers, in our memories… “Lord, to whom shall we go? You alone… You alone… You alone have the words of eternal life.”

This is not our home. Jonathan is there waiting for us with his smile.

Calm and Smiles

A Jon Post

Sorry this post is a couple days late. Honestly, there’s really no reason for it to be late except that I keep forgetting to get it up. Anyway, we go.

Lately it feels like we’ve been in a bit of a “calm before the storm”. Anaya, is getting on a schedule and her mother’s life has gotten a little easier. I’ve been trying to help as much as I can with her and doing my best to keep the house clean (Layne’s standards here are much higher than mine and so I’m attempting to rise up to meet them). I’ve also gotten back into a regular schedule at the hospital.

Looking towards the months ahead they seem a bit busier. Layne’s parents are coming next week Wednesday to visit us and Anaya (mostly the Anaya part). Soon after that my parents will do the same, and then we’ll be hosting a team of young men and women from TCF (our home church in AZ) in June.

I’m extremely excited to have all these people coming here to visit and would not choose any other way, but there is a level of stress that comes with that many visitors as well.

Even with these visitors looming, all seems to be well in our family. Anaya is a joy in our home, Layne is a super-mom, and me… well, I’m doin alright as a daddy I think.

Friends at the hospital still need our prayers, your prayers, and the love of our Father. Cancer and death are a constant there and there is a great need for more smiles. We bring our own and try to inspire a few when we get there.

Please remember to pray and smile with us. We can’t do it all alone.


So We Don’t Forget

A Jon Post

It really was always just a matter of time.

Lucia and her father went home almost two months ago when the hospital here decided there was nothing further to be done for her. She wanted to go home and be with her family.

She died on Friday.

Lucia and her smile

Lucia and her smile

It was always just a matter of time.

Lucia smiled a lot. Maybe she learned it from her father who did the same. When she had toxin dripping into her veins to fight the cancer in her body she seemed to teeter on the verge of eternity but always, after her treatment ended she would bounce back and smile again.

It was always just a matter of time.

While we don’t and can’t forget her, we honestly didn’t know her THAT well. We knew her in her time at the hospital but her life with her family, with her friends, in school, the games she played… we didn’t know.

So we’ve started a project, if only a personal one.

This week I spent many hours sitting with little Tomé whom I’ve written about before. With his eager help, I’ve started writing down the story of his life, as much as I can. Where he grew up, how his mother makes food in the home, how far he and his family have to walk to get water to cook and clean, his favorite class in school (it’s math by the way) what his house is shaped like, what kind of food grows in his father’s farm, and much much more.

We want to know people’s lives beyond the short part of it we see when they come here (too often to die). We want to know and hear the life part of it.

So starting this last week I’ve started taking a notebook with me and taking small notes. We want to remember the voices that we hear, even long after they’ve gone on to wait for us to join them with Christ.

There are many voices of the world.

We’re just writing down a few of them.

But please don’t forget Lucia’s.

Goodbye sweet friend

Goodbye sweet friend


One For The Ages

A Jon Post

8:30 AM Tuesday morning we went to the hospital to see our doctor. It was a quick visit, a heart monitor for Anaya to see if she’s ok in Layne’s womb, an ultrasound to estimate Anaya’s weight (9 pounds 6 ounces plus or minus 1 and a half pounds) and a pill for Layne to take that could start labor within the next 3 days.

9:30 AM – back home, resting, a little disappointed and thinking resigned to thinking we’d have Anaya in our hands tomorrow or the next day.

11:30 AM – Layne’s water broke, contractions started

3:30 PM – Contractions stronger, about 2-3 minutes apart

4:00 PM – Contractions had reached 2 minutes apart and 1 minute long, we went to the hospital

5:00 PM – Contractions were almost without breaks, our doctor started saying we should make our way to a delivery room

5:30 PM – In the delivery room, starting to push

6:10 PM – Anaya Hosanna Heller, born blue as a smurf with her umbilical cord around her neck. After a few minutes of oxygen she was a nice rosy pink, she was crying and looking for mom and some food

Today, 5 days in, we are so proud and content to be her parents. Please pray that Layne recovers quickly from labor. We decided beforehand that Layne would try to birth Anaya without pain medicine and, through great sacrifice and pain, she did it. Because the labor went so quick Layne’s body paid a heavy cost and she is still recovering.

We have been surrounded by friends here who have showered us with support and love as our lives adjust so quickly and dramatically to having our daughter. Meals and visits from good friends have been such a support to us.

Anaya brings so much joy to our lives. Our ministry to her has already consumed us and we see no end in sight. Though we continue to pursue our vision to serve and love the people of Mozambique and to place their lives and needs above our own, even that ministry takes second place to the ministry of parenting our daughter.

Here are some pictures of the first few days of Anaya’s life.

We are so blessed to have all of you praying and loving us as we keep trying to live out the call and voice of the Lord.

Don’t forget to vote in the polls about Anaya below the pictures!

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