A Jon Post

We are here… America of old and of new. To us this country is both familiar and foreign in equally comforting and disorienting/confusing parts.

Hugs, smiles, cultures that we know and love well. Huge and blemish-free fruits, pre-packaged foods, restaurant meals that could last me for all three daily meals, and cars that drive on the wrong side of the road.

We are here.

We left Maputo, home, friends, dog, and ministry at 5:30 PM on Tuesday and got here in Arizona 27 hours later. We hope you all know how thankful we are to those of you who prayed for our journey. We are so so so so so thankful. God blessed us with extra seats on all three of our connections and Anaya had plenty of room to nap, play and just be an incredible girl for 27 exhausting hours. Layne and I slept very little but that lack of sleep was made so much easier to handle by the fact that Anaya was a dream.

We arrived in the airport terminal and were greeted by many more friends and family than we had expected. What a blessing it is to be surrounded by men and women who love God and who love us.

Anaya wore a little onesie that Layne stitched especially for that greeting. “Big Sister.”

Yes, Anaya is going to be a big sister in (probably) June of 2012.

Layne is pregnant.

We will be here in Arizona until December 7th and we will fly toCorpus Christi,TX after that.

Please don’t forget to pray for us and, more importantly, please join us in prayer for the many friends, men, women and children in the hospital whom we miss dearly.