A Layne Post

Jonathan Heller has been the most caring, loving, romantic, passionate, strong, and wise husband. I know many people would say these things of their husbands, but I honestly think I have the best out there. I would follow Jon anywhere. Really, I would. And I have. With him by my side, I feel safe and secure. Much of that is because I am able to rely on Jon’s wisdom and guidance that comes from our heavenly Father. He makes it easy to submit to his spiritual leadership. I respect Jon in every way; he is an example of Christ to me. I knew when I married him that I loved him, but I had no idea what was to come.

With each year that has passed I have fallen deeper in love with him. When Anaya was born I knew things may change a bit, and they have… for the better! (Who knew there was so much better?!) The day she was born he took to her like a natural. He is so patient and gentle, nurturing and kind. My heart becomes so full when I listen to him read and sing to her, when he prays over her. Anaya looks to her Daddy with awestruck eyes. I can already see the special bond she has with him, and I love it! Fatherhood suits him well.

Anaya is blessed to call Jon her Daddy, as I am to call him my husband.

Father's Day 2011

Happy Father’s Day


Happy 3rd Anniversary,

Jonathan Heller!