A Jon Post

These are the things I’ve found myself praying for this month:



  • That my faith would grow as strong as my obedience and that my obedience would grow as strong as my faith.
  • That Casa Ahavá’s ministry leader would teach me to follow Him closely and that I would never think I’m leading it.


  • That Anaya would always trust her daddy.
  • That I would always look to be the servant of society, not its leader.
  • That Jovie would be brave.
  • That my beard would look good with a little grey in it.
  • That my knees and back would hold out a few more years.
  • That Christy would remember her husband well and that her children would find their heavenly daddy while they miss their earthly one.


  • That my gratitude would always come before God’s provision for my family and my patients.
  • That Layne would always melt when I hold her
  • That my dog would stop making such a mess.
  • That I Anita’s broken heart would mend.


  • That my hands would stay strong enough to catch my daughters when they fall, soft enough to hold my wife when she’s weak, skilled enough to make nice things for my patients and tender enough to hold theirs when they are sick.
  • That my kids would be able to memorize and sing the pirate song with me that Tigger sings in Winnie the Pooh… “IIIIIIII love to live the piraty life, sailing the seventy seas…”
  • That I may continue to learn about self-sacrifice and servanthood from the way Layne serves me, my kids and my patients.


  • That we would keep getting to know Anita and Inês as they continue to know and trust us and our family.
  • That Layne would always believe how much she captures me.


  • That Karasi would be strong.
  • That Christ would redeem and have mercy.
  • That I could learn from Inês’s years and scars.
  • That my children would not grow so used to death that they don’t mourn those who die and that they would not be so broken by it that they cannot find wholeness.


  • That Layne’s eyes always find mine.
  • That no one in our home would be afraid to live or scared to die.
