A Jon Post
8:30 AM Tuesday morning we went to the hospital to see our doctor. It was a quick visit, a heart monitor for Anaya to see if she’s ok in Layne’s womb, an ultrasound to estimate Anaya’s weight (9 pounds 6 ounces plus or minus 1 and a half pounds) and a pill for Layne to take that could start labor within the next 3 days.
9:30 AM – back home, resting, a little disappointed and thinking resigned to thinking we’d have Anaya in our hands tomorrow or the next day.
11:30 AM – Layne’s water broke, contractions started
3:30 PM – Contractions stronger, about 2-3 minutes apart
4:00 PM – Contractions had reached 2 minutes apart and 1 minute long, we went to the hospital
5:00 PM – Contractions were almost without breaks, our doctor started saying we should make our way to a delivery room
5:30 PM – In the delivery room, starting to push
6:10 PM – Anaya Hosanna Heller, born blue as a smurf with her umbilical cord around her neck. After a few minutes of oxygen she was a nice rosy pink, she was crying and looking for mom and some food
Today, 5 days in, we are so proud and content to be her parents. Please pray that Layne recovers quickly from labor. We decided beforehand that Layne would try to birth Anaya without pain medicine and, through great sacrifice and pain, she did it. Because the labor went so quick Layne’s body paid a heavy cost and she is still recovering.
We have been surrounded by friends here who have showered us with support and love as our lives adjust so quickly and dramatically to having our daughter. Meals and visits from good friends have been such a support to us.
Anaya brings so much joy to our lives. Our ministry to her has already consumed us and we see no end in sight. Though we continue to pursue our vision to serve and love the people of Mozambique and to place their lives and needs above our own, even that ministry takes second place to the ministry of parenting our daughter.
Here are some pictures of the first few days of Anaya’s life.
We are so blessed to have all of you praying and loving us as we keep trying to live out the call and voice of the Lord.
Don’t forget to vote in the polls about Anaya below the pictures!
- Mother and Daughter
- Nose to Nose
- Worship Time
- Her Feet
- Resting Together
- Flower Baby
- In her First Sleeper
- On Mom’s Lap
- Her Face
- Tired Mom and a Sleeping Baby
- Mom and Baby
- Daddy and His Girl
- Finally in Her Arms
- Our First Family Photo
- First Moments
- Minutes After Being Born
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